Thursday, 28 June 2012

Natural Architecture

 Vicarage garage, CSI Church, Munnar. Kerala.

'There is an emerging art movement that is exploring mankind's desire to reconnect to the earth, through the built environment, referred to as 'natural architecture'. 

Kerala, an unusual state

Kerala is one of the southern most states of the country with a long coast line. Green & scenic the state is high on the tourism, one of the main industries of the state.

Social context : With high education levels, population & its growth in the state is very low compared to other parts of the country.HDI(human Development index considerable higher than the rest of the country & some of the developed nations. 
The ‘communist every other 5 years’ state has serious labor issues which has kept industrialization & serious investment in the manufacturing sector away in the past many years. As a result most of the youngsters of the state move out early. On an average of 18 years for higher education abroad or in other parts of the country & then to find jobs. Many of these marry & settle in the locations they work in & come back only when they are ready to retire above the age of 60
As a result the working age group in the state is very less in number & prefer white collar jobs to hand skill based or manufacturing jobs. consequentially the craft based sectors are dying out & basic service industry like plumbers, carpenters etc are becoming a rarity. A very unusual state in a populous country like India.

Manufacturing Industry
The manufacturing Industry in Kerala is almost non existent & steadily decreasing along with agriculture, main reasons being lack of labor. Mechanization is being looked at as an answer in essential  activities like real estate development. Tourism & by extension hospitality is the only  active industry in the state.